TOP 5 tips on how to create a personal brand with integrity, heart and soul.

"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be, and embracing who we are" ~ Brene Brown

If you’ve already experienced a professional branding photo session with me, then you might remember seeing the quote above from one of the most well known influential speakers and award winning author/researcher Brené Brown.

I usually send this quote to my clients before their personal branding session to remind them that in life and in business - when it comes right down to it, being true to yourself and living your life embracing who you are, is really all that matters in the big scheme of things.

When fine tuning your personal brand it’s crucial that you take the time to self discover and begin to tap into who you are and what makes you, well, YOU.

This will not only create a more fulfilling life but will also help you to define your personal brand and create ways to stand out in the marketplace.

But what if I don’t really know who I am? You might be asking yourself.

Here’s my TOP 5 tips on how to tap into your authentic self and create a personal brand with integrity, heart and soul.

1 - Take a trip down memory lane
When you were a kid, what was it that you loved doing? Take your mind back to a time in your life when you remember feeling free and uninhibited. A time when you could explore, create your own fun and go on your own adventures (even if it was just imaginary play in your backyard at 8 years old or a spontaneous girly weekend away in your 20’s). How would your friends have described you? What were your favourite hobbies/interests?

2 - ‘Anything is possible’ mentality
If you could step outside your current 'normal’ day to day life and imagine a life where anything is possible and you could do ANYTHING with your day, ask yourself ~ what would I be doing?

Try to plan out your ideal day - where would you go, who would you want to spend time with, what work would you like to be doing. Start to visualise it and analyse what gets you excited.

3 - Play on your strengths
Often the things we enjoy doing most are the things that we’re good at. What are your key strengths? At work and in your personal life, what type of things do people often ask you for help with? What do your colleagues often say about working with you (“she’s great at bringing networks together”, “he is an amazing planner”, “she knows how to think big and is a true visionary”).

4 - Identify who your hero’s are
Ok they may not really be classed as a 'hero’ but try to name your top 5 people who inspire you. This will help you see who you identify with in your life. What is it about that person that inspires you the most?

What personality traits do they embody? What are their values and belief systems?

5 - Your legacy
When thinking about who you admire, also think about the messages that they are sending out into the world. You too have a voice and the ability to speak out (in YOUR way) about issues that you feel most connected to. Perhaps it’s environmental or public health system or human rights issues that you feel most passionate about - what is it that you’d like to change if you could?

Imagine you were at your own funeral, what would you hope was being said about you and the impact that you had? What changes in the world can you make NOW?

I hope this helps you to begin to dig a little deeper into who you are and begin a journey of living an authentic life and creating a legacy-led career/business.



Meet Rebecca!
Rebecca is a sought-after leadership branding photographer, online visibility coach and business founder of Rebecca Taylor Photography.

She has vibrantly captured the authentic essence of hundreds of C-suite executives, A-list entrepreneurs and senior leadership teams and visually shaped their brands into influential powerhouses.

Her corporate clients include Ericsson, Flight Centre, Office Works, Australia Post and her work has been published in the CEO Magazine, Forbes, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Financial Review, The Guardian and in hundreds of influential online platforms including Thrive Global, TedX and ABC Radio National.

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From Invisible to Impact


Unleash the Real You and get Over, Overthinking It ~ during a photoshoot