From Invisible to Impact

I'm not going to lie, being seen and putting yourself 'out there' can be super daunting.

Fears and doubts can whirl around in your head and paralyze you from doing the work you're meant to do on this planet.

Fears like: "no-one will understand my idea", "they'll think I'm a 'show off’' and full of myself", "I'll be called a fraud".

Any of these sound familiar?

You may even tell yourself that you're not 'attractive' enough or 'insightful' enough to be visible and will easily put your own ideas down and crawl safely back into hiding.

Your fear of being judged takes over time and time again and is getting in the way of making the money you deserve and living the life of your dreams.

You convince yourself that you're happy with the way you are and you don't need to be 'on show' or to prove anything. At least there's no risk of being 'shamed' or made fun of. You can put yourself back into the box of mediocrity and keep playing it small.

The follow on effect of this however, is even more severe. You hide so much and focus on behaving the way you're 'supposed' to (not the way that feels good to you) that you begin to lose sight of who you are and allow your unique gifts and greatest potential to slip away.

Hiding and losing your identity, is at the crux of what's keeping you feeling stuck, uninspired and numb in your business and/or career. It's what's holding you back every day from feeling free and living your dream life.

You are meant for more.

It's time to ask yourself – are those fears real? Are 'those people' really judging you or lets be honest, are they too busy thinking about themselves to care? Even if the fears are real, how much do they mean to you – enough to stop you from pursuing your best life?

Lets take a minute to pause. Just imagine what it would be like if you didn't care what anyone else thought of you and you had no need to impress anyone? How liberating and freeing would that be?

Imagine how great it would feel to lead from your heart instead of your head and start doing things your way.

See, the way I see it is that being visible and putting yourself out there is in fact not even about you. It's about connecting with your community and delivering your message to the people who need to hear it most. Whether you're in a corporate role or running your own business, you have the opportunity to express your point of view and impact the world in a positive way. The world is waiting for you!

Do you have a book that you've been longing to write – start writing! Got a hobby that lights you up and you want to pursue – go for it! Have a business idea you want to develop – do it! Craving connection with like minded peeps - reach out and connect!

It really can be that easy. Sometimes you never know what's going to happen until you throw yourself in and just do it. When you stop worrying about everyone else, you'll be amazed at what opportunities can come your way.

This is the message that I was called to share and even though it's scary to write this and put myself out there, I know that even if one person benefits from reading it, then I'm a happy lady.

Now it's your turn! :)

Rebecca xox

PS. Let me know if this resonates with you, I'd love your feedback on what's been holding you back from getting visible online to share your expertise and message.

x Rebecca


Meet Rebecca

Rebecca is a sought-after leadership branding photographer, online visibility coach and business founder of Rebecca Taylor Photography.

She has vibrantly captured the authentic essence of hundreds of C-suite executives, A-list entrepreneurs and senior leadership teams and visually shaped their brands into influential powerhouses.

Her corporate clients include Ericsson, Flight Centre, Office Works, Australia Post and her work has been published in the CEO Magazine, Forbes, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Financial Review, The Guardian and in hundreds of influential online platforms including Thrive Global, TedX and ABC Radio National.

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